The recent heat wave has us
missing the rainy days at ArtStreet from earlier February. Now we present to you a RECΔCHE of this memorable exhibition with photos we did not include in our first critical review (see CΔCHING OUT @ ArtStreet for our full write-up). We apologize in advance for any missing artist
names or titles. Please comment below if you know the artist or title of the artwork, we would very much appreciate your help to give credit where credit is due!
Artist: Miles Toland |
Artist: @reverenddestructo |
Artist: Jose Di Gregorio |
Artist: John Horton |
Artist: Bryan Valenzuela |
Artist: Clarissa Pezone |
Artist: @superugly Title: Worth a Thousand Heads |
Artist: Danae Davis |
Artist: Vivid Venus (Giana Galati) |
Artist: Baily Anderson |
Artist: Nathan Caordero |
Artist: Robert Ortbal, Title: A Different Kind of Mantra, 2017 |
Artist: Alex Trujillo |
Artists: Silva/Thompson Title: Section |
Artist: Meg A. Meyers |
Artist: Akira Beard |
Artist: Vivid Venus (Giana Galati) |
Artist: Jeff Musser |
Artists: Franceska Gamez and Shaun Burner |
Artist: Tapigami (Danny Scheible) |
Artist: Wes Davis |
Artist: Sean O. Murchadha |
Artist: Trent Dean |
Video Provided by artist Kevin Zee. Find more of his work at
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