CΔCHING OUT@ Artspace 1616

Christine Hodgins For the month of September, Artspace 1616 housed two exhibits with distinctive style. Work by Christine Hodgins featured her large plaster hanging sculptures, and work by Susanne Isabel Bockelmann featured her large woodcut prints on fragile China paper. Two very different methods of visual art, in one space, and Artspace 1616 does it right, with vision and cohesion. “A’cross Town,” an art survey of the deceased artist, Christine Hodgins, was curated by Gwenna Howard. Hodgins' body of work was last exhibited in 2012 at the Morris Grave Museum in Eureka, and hasn't been displayed since her passing. The works were hung, drooping from the ceiling in their collected forms. The well-lit gallery may not harken ideas of being deep within a cave or crag, however, the stalagcite forms, pods, cocoons bring the viewer to a place of beginning, on the edge of time and place. Contemporary art forms can be challenging to view at times , but it’s sometimes the questi...