
Showing posts from January, 2018

CΔCHING OUT @ C. N. Gorman Museum

Central to multimedia artist Holly Wilson's work is the idea of personal narrative. As she states on the title wall of her current exhibit, "Talk Stories," at the C.N. Gorman Museum at UC Davis, "I am interested in stories - the stories of my parents, my ancestors, my family, my community. I am a storyteller...” This solo show features strong sculptural installations, and a few supporting photographic pieces that resonate whether you directly relate to the personal or cultural story behind the work or not. The curatorial factors of this space further support the display of the show, and must not be missed while this Oklahoma-based artist’s works tell their story in Davis, California. The C.N. Gorman Museum at UC Davis is specifically dedicated to showing Native American artists and artists of diverse cultures and histories. Wilson’s heritage of the Delaware Nation/Cherokee provide the backdrop for the inspired narratives behind her work in “Talk Stories.” But as “T...