CΔCHING OUT @ Wide Open Walls

" Wide Open Walls theme is art for all - to make art accessible to everybody." -David Sobon, Founder and Producer Jose Di Gregorio mural on 701 S St. Wide Open Walls does not call for a review, it calls for celebration of the momentum accumulating for the advancement of the arts in the Sacramento region. A mural festival of this caliber, including 50 artists both local and international, pushes the envelope for our artists, our institutions, our viewers, and our community as a whole. While the official programming of events for WOW spanned August 10 - 20, 2017 and involved multiple organizations and nonprofits, this collaboration has permanently planted public art throughout our capitol. How can the effects of this act not be memorable? These works are public, they are here to stay, and they contribute to raising the recognition and admiration of the artist's role in the community. So while criticism typically covers the effectiveness of the art based on val...